New Music Monday - Last Week's Billboard Hot 100 Top 10

"Is It Just Me?"

My friends and I often joked that the first sign of getting old is being unable to relate to the new music on the radio. If there's any  grain of truth to that then man I might be getting old because I can not stand a majority of popular music any more.

 Well, first off, I very rarely actually listen to the radio. The only time I do really is if my boyfriend is driving. He practically forces me to because I tell him his iPod playlists are garbage and makes me feel personally violated. It also doesn't help that I often threaten to destroy the damn thing while he sleeps if he ever plays it while I'm in the car.

I'm vaguely aware of the Top 40 and what's popping on the various charts only because I have to be as a DJ. My style as a DJ is more about crafting an experience around a theme. It's a journey through time and the evolution of a sound a lot of the time. I know it sounds pretentious as hell but trust me my playlists are KILLER because of this approach.

Now that's not to say I don't incorporate new music, I do. Every week I sit down and surf the web. I see what's new, I look for remixes, instrumentals, acapellas, etc. I scour the Billboard charts to analyze the trends (and end up shaking my head a lot). But something about last week's Billboard Top 10 (pictured on the left) irked my nerves to the max. All the songs were like months old and the content was really boring. I was actually shocked to see two "rap" songs on the list and quickly disappointed about which ones that made it.

I always thought that most Americans were like me, fickle and bored easily and always on the hunt for the next big thing. Oh, dear, I just realized I might be going through another hipster phase, pray for me y'all.

Don't be shy, go ahead and sound off about what you're currently listening to and please let me know if I'm a weirdo in regards to hating Top 40 radio stations in the comment section below.

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