A to Z Challenge - Day 15 - Osmosis Jones
O Is For Osmosis Jones
Preamble: I don't know if it's just a millennial thing or not but I still like this movie, my boyfriend was more than happy to sit and watch with me and my best friend squeed really hard when I said I was going to be covering this movie for day 15 of the challenge.
But then again, I love Chris Rock, Lawrence Fishburne and Billy Murray. They make almost everything they touch better in my opinion so, I'll admit I'm a little biased here. But this is a great family friendly movie that contains a lot of jumping off points for "teachable" moments. Not to mention it's funny and I'm a sucker for a mix of animation and live action (as you will find out when I review Who Framed Roger Rabbit on Day 23).
Year: 2001
Rated: PG
Summary - A cutting-edge, live action/animated action adventure comedy about one white blood cell's race against the biological clock to hunt down and destroy a lethal new virus. Bill Murray stars as Frank, in whose body the action unfolds.
Tom Sito & Piet Kroon (Animation)/Robert Farrelly & Peter Farrelly(Live action)
Written by: Marc Hyman
- Chris Rock
- Laurence Fishburne
- David Hyde Pierce
- Brandy Norwood
- William Shatner
- Molly Shannon
- Chris Elliott
- Bill Murray
- David Faustino
The Review
If I had to sum up this movie I would say it was lively and creative. It has a ton of sight gags which will probably make the younger kids who don't know much about biology happy. It also has a ton and I mean a boatload of puns. I happen to be corny and love puns if you don't love puns, then you will probably hate this movie.
I loved the depiction of the inside of the body and how it is a city, the white blood cells are the police and fireman, the lymph nodes were the police stations, veins were highways, the stomach was a bus station/airport type place, and the germs and bacteria were, of course, the criminals. This movie gives a very imaginative way the body works to fight infection, as if the body was a city of people just like in the real world. You may need to have some sort of knowledge about the body to get some of the puns and jokes.
When I think of this movie I tend to think of it as a poor man's mash-up of Fantastic Voyage meets the Magic School Bus. Make what you will of that...
Grade: B-
Aces for Acting
- Bill Murray
- Chris Rock
Favorite Character
- Drix
Best Character Interactions
- Ozzy & Drix
Best Scene
Drix: Where did you study?
Osmosis: Study? When you grow up on the wrong side of the digestive track, you ain't got no money for no fancy schools.
Drix: Oh...
Osmosis: I'm not kiddin', man. My school was Crack Central.
Drix: Oh?
Osmosis: No, it was IN the crack. Right in the stanky, puckered center.
Notable Quotable
- Thrax: Medical books aren't written about losers!
Most Memorable Moment
Osmosis: Did you know my great-great-grandpappy fought the measles? Yup, there's been a Jones on the force ever since my ancestors came over on the umbilical cord.
Did I whet your appetite to watch Osmosis Jones for the first time or maybe just the first time in a long time?
Be sure to come back tomorrow because I'm discussing Party Monster.
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