A to Z Challenge 2015 - Day 17 - Queen of the Damned
Q Is For Queen of the Damned
Preamble: Once upon a time I was a "Vamp Kid" and it was all Anne Rice's fault. I saw Interview With a Vampire when I was about 10 or so, found out it was based on a book that was part of a long running series and off I went into 'Vamp Kid' territory.
In 2002, another movie based on an Anne Rice property was way over due and so I devoured this film flaws and all like nobody's business. The fact this movie was one of my favorite singer's (Aaliyah) last theatrical appearances also makes this a must see every year (much to all my friends' chagrin).
You can't think too hard with this movie, just enjoy the pretty people doing stuff.
Year: 2002
Rated: R
Summary - This film follows the legendary vampire Lestat , who has reinvented himself as a rock star in the contemporary American music scene. His music wakes Akasha, the queen of all vampires, and inspires her desire to make Lestat her king. Akasha's malevolent power is so great that all the immortal vampires must stand against her if they want to survive. Meanwhile, a young London woman with a fascination for the dark side falls in love with Lestat.
Director: Michael Rymer
Written by: Scott Abbott & Michael Petroni
Based on: The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
- Aaliyah
- Stuart Townsend
- Marguerite Moreau
- Paul McGann
- Vincent Pérez
- Lena Olin
The Review
If you scroll down a little further you will note that I gave this movie a very low mark.
While I like it and it's fun and pretty, these are NOT Anne Rice's vampires. Well, in name only. The plot of the movie is loosely and I mean VERY loosely based on two of the books.The vampiric rules adhered to in the books are not followed in the movie. If you loved Interview With a Vampire, you'll be sorely disappointed (as I was at first).
The decision to combine The Vampire Lestat and The Queen of the Damned novels into one screenplay was a poor one that made the story suffer due some massive cuts. The Vampire Chronicles level in intricacy and detail is what had me hooked on the series. But if you approach this movie as a stand alone movie it honestly isn't that bad and is super interesting and kind leaves you ready for a sequel.
Grade: D-
Aces for Acting
- Vincent Perez
- Cinematographer, Ian Baker
Favorite Character
- Akasha
Best Character Interactions
- Lestat and Marius
Best Scene
Lestat: So, you know Marius?
Jesse: I know a lot of things.
Lestat: Not how to stay alive, apparently.
Jesse: Oh, I guess we have that in common, though I think I'm a little ahead of the race, here.
Lestat: Well, I can fix that.
[reaches for her neck]
Jesse: [quickly] Your song "Redeemer" is about the girl with the violin? Right? Right?
Lestat: Right? What else do you think you know?
Jesse: [nervous] I...
Lestat: You're... shaking.
Jesse: I'm cold.
Lestat: Still cold?
[backing her up against a wall]
Lestat: So, go on, tell me more about me.
Jesse: You want...
Lestat: What do I want?
Jesse: You yearn...
Lestat: What do I yearn?
[pierces her finger]
Lestat: What do I yearn?
[sucks the blood from her finger]
Jesse: To walk with the living... out of the cold dark wasteland of eternity.
Notable Quotable
Lestat: [voiceover] There comes a time for every vampire when the idea of eternity becomes momentarily unbearable. Living in the shadows, feeding in the darkness with only your own company to keep, rots into a solitary, hollow existence. Immortality seems like a good idea, until you realize you're going to spend it alone. So I went to sleep, hoping that the sounds of the passing eras would fade out, and a sort of death might happen. But as I lay there, the world didn't sound like the place I had left, but something different.
Most Memorable Moment
London Groupie: I heard that Lestat keeps all his girls in his cellar, and it's really nice and they give you food and cable and weed.
London Groupie: Oh, please.
London Groupie: That's what I heard. But you have to let him suck you on your neck whenever he wants.
London Groupie: Doesn't sound too bad. I've done worse.
London Groupie: I'll say.
Roger: This way, girls.
Did I whet your appetite to watch Queen of the Damned for the first time or maybe just the first time in a long time?
Be sure to come back tomorrow because I'm discussing Reservoir Dogs.
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